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Photo of Jose Luis Encabo Medina Spain

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Jose Luis Encarnacion Medina

Born in Lucena (Córdoba) in 1969. He begins his vocation to drawing and painting from very small and secondary studies in the IES Marques de Comares learn and work with Professor and painter Félix García Aznar Lucena.

After completing his secondary studies, works and studies at the Escuela Taller "San Juan de Dios" de Lucena...

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21.65 x 21.65 in
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Jose Luis Encarnacion Medina

Born in Lucena (Córdoba) in 1969. He begins his vocation to drawing and painting from very small and secondary studies in the IES Marques de Comares learn and work with Professor and painter Félix García Aznar Lucena.

After completing his secondary studies, works and studies at the Escuela Taller "San Juan de Dios" de Lucena learning different crafts such as forging, carpentry, carving, painting restoration, stonework, masonry, ceramics, etc..

In 1989 he began studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts "Alonso Cano" of Granada, obtaining a degree in Fine Arts specializing in Art (Paint Branch) in 1994. That same year the Foundation substitute services Docete Omnes the Zubia (Granada), working and learning with mentally ill, with which you can perform occupational therapy practices, some of them artistic.

In 1995 begins Assistant Clinical studies, earning the title that year, being able to do internships in the Hospital San Juan de Dios in Granada, and later worked as an assistant in a tetraplegic center of Granada.

In 1996 he was appointed Acting Professor of Drawing. Main Secondary School Teachers (Ministry of Education and Science. Working in various institutes in the province of Guadalajara.

In 1997 he was appointed a career Corps Secondary School Teachers, specialty Drawing (Community of Galicia), working in different institutes school in the provinces of Ourense and Pontevedra. As a significant fact in these years is to highlight his work as head of department in two centers and have been a member of the Selection Board for Secondary Teachers of Art, held in La Coruña.

In 2008 he returned to the Andalusian Community, serving as Professor of Drawing in the Bachelor of Arts IES Marques de Comares de Lucena (Córdoba).

Today is dedicated fully to painting, more compatible with arts education.



Exhibition "Painters Cordovan" in the Gallery of the Fund Provincial de Ahorros de Córdoba.

Solo exhibition at the Cultural Building in Lucena (sponsored by Delegation of Youth and the Monte de Piedad and Caja de Ahorros de Córdoba).

Collective Exhibition IV National Painting Contest "Villa de la Zubia (Granada).


Exhibition "IV National Meeting of Sculpture, Painting Design." Macael (Almería).

Collective Exhibition of Painting Contest V "Villa de la Zubia (Granada).


Exhibition "Art Young Artists" held in the IB Aguilar y Eslava. Cabra (Córdoba).

Exhibition "Teachers and Students of the Marquis of Comares INB." Lucena (Córdoba).

Exhibition "National Painting Competition XIX Villa de Almonacid de Zorita (Guadalajara).


Solo exhibition at the Cultural Building Letur (Organized by the Universidad Popular de Castilla-La Mancha and sponsored by the City of Letur). Albacete.

Exhibition "You asked guises, you eat it." Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Sciences. Granada.

Exhibition "XI Regional Painting Competition." Alcaudete (Jaén).

Exhibition "Art Creation III courses." Valdepeñas de Jaén (Jaén).

Solo exhibition "Boulevard Café-Concert." Lucena (Córdoba).


Solo Exhibition Centro Cultural Universitario "Casa de Porras". (Universidad de Granada).

Group exhibition "Painters of Lucena." Tribute to Barahona de Soto. Exhibition Hall of the City Council Lucena (Córdoba).


Exhibition "I Rivas Painting Prize Briones. " Vilagarcia de Arousa (Pontevedra).

Exhibition "Painting Competition V outdoor" Santa Cruz del Valle (Avila).

Collective Exhibition 6 th International Painting Competition Fast "Villa de Comillas. Comillas (Cantabria).

Exhibition "14 th edition of Fast Painting Contest outdoors." San Pedro de GAILLAN (Segovia).

Exhibition "X Fast Painting Contest outdoors." Cerezo de Abajo (Segovia).

Group exhibition Painting Contest I outdoor paisaxe Valga. Valga (Pontevedra).

Exhibition "XVIII National Fast Painting Contest outdoor Frómista Village." Fromista (Palencia).

Group exhibition Painting Contest I "Art Xoven Galega" O world do Tues Vigo (Pontevedra).


Work selected for the group exhibition of painting contest The X Axerquía Cordoba.

Group exhibition Painting Competition XXVI fast Hortelano Diego Figueroa. " Darymelia Theatre. Jaén.


Selected Work in the XIV National Marathon Painting outdoors "City of Vera" for exhibition in the Cultural Hall Unicaja Almeria.


Exhibition shared with Yllescas Ada "Travels." Ibn Al Khatib Sala IES Ben Al Khatib. La Cala del Moral (Málaga).



Second Prize Painting Competition outdoors. Fiestas de Santiago y Santa Ana Torre del Mar (Málaga).


First Prize Poster Carnival Announcer 91. Lucena (Córdoba).

Third Prize Painting Competition outdoors. Velez-Malaga (Malaga).

III Classified First Prize "Ciudad de Lucena" Young Painting.


First Prize Poster announcing "Feria de Nuestra Señora del Valle 1992." Lucena (Córdoba).


Fourth Air Painting Prize free. Vélez-Málaga (Málaga).


V runner-Prize "City of Lucena" Young Painting.


VI Accesit Award Lucena City "Young Painting.


First Prize for Painting outdoors. Fiestas de Santiago y Santa Ana Torre del Mar (Málaga).


Mention Diploma-XVIII National Painting Competition Outdoor Frómista Village (Palencia).

I Accésit Painting Contest Outdoors "paisaxe Valga. Valga (Pontevedra).


First Prize Painting Contest X Villa in Zahara de la Sierra (Cádiz).

Second Prize Contest IX Air Painting "Antonio Rodríguez Luna" Montoro (Córdoba).

Second Prize Award Giasha "IX National Contest of Painting outdoors Villa de Nerva (Huelva).

Fourth Prize Napisa VI Speed Painting Prize. Mota del Cuervo (Cuenca).

First Prize Painting Competition I Outdoor Francisco Hernández. Torre del Mar (Málaga).

X Prize Competition Fourth National Outdoor Painting "Cortelazor la Real (Huelva).

X Prize Sixth National Fast Painting Contest "City Alcaudete (Jaén).

Fourth Prize VII Speed Painting Competition "Ciudad de Almansa" (Albacete).

Purchase Prize (acquired by the City of Iznatoraf) of III International Painting Contest outdoor Mercedes Fernández de las Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas (Jaén)

Fifth Prize V Fast Painting Contest "Juan Hidalgo." Magina Torres (Jaén).

Honorable Mention Painting Competition V Quick Cijuela (Granada).


Second Prize Painting Competition IV Quick Trebujena Villa (Spain).

First Prize Painting Competition XI "The Axerquía." Córdoba.

Acquisition Prize XI International Painting Competition Fast of Castellar (Jaén).

XI Competition First Prize Speed Painting Village of Zahara de la Sierra (Cádiz).

Third Prize II Painting Contest "Guadiato Valley." Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo (Córdoba).

14 th Prize VII National Fast Painting Contest of Villanueva de los Infantes (Ciudad Real).

Second Prize Painting Competition III Quick Fuentecarreteros (Córdoba).

First Prize Painting Competition V Quick Periana (Málaga).

I Second Prize Painting Contest "Velez and his environment." Benaudalla Vélez (Granada).

Eighth Prize Painting Contest VIII outdoor "Bar four corners. Ubrique (Cádiz).

Second Prize First Prize of Painting "Cueva de Nerja". Nerja (Málaga).


First Prize Painting Day XI. " Benaocaz (Cádiz).

Second Prize Award Speed Painting IX "Francisco Prieto." Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz)

Third Prize VIII National Fast Painting Contest of Villanueva de los Infantes (Ciudad Real).

Third Prize V Exhibition of Painting Outdoors "Ardales Cityscapes." Ardales (Málaga).



Illustrations for the university magazine "Carmina Burana" (N º 1 - May). University of Granada. Faculty of Arts.


Illustrations for the book "I killed the swan writer Cantizani Lucena Manuel Lara (Library Writers and topics Lucena).

Awards Lucena City "Painting, Story and Poetry. Publication of the Delegation of Youth Hon. Ayto de Lucena (Córdoba).


Magazine "Whereas" (No. 9 - June 2008), the Bar Association of Lucena (Córdoba) by reason of school Painting Competition "XL Anniversary of Rights humans. "


Illustrations for the book "Orlando" (annual literature). Lucena (Córdoba).

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